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Suzanne Renner

As with my background in professional dance, photography enables me to integrate my physical, cognitive and artistic inclinations

Photography has become an all-involving retirement hobby in which I can be challenged and inspired to record what I see or to create what I would like to see. As with my background in professional dance, photography enables me to integrate my physical, cognitive and artistic inclinations via the elements of technique, creativity, self-expression and visual representation. 

I am still learning how to use the camera with proficiency and so I photograph anything that catches my eye at the time - whether it be an architectural feature, reflections, family candids or street happenings. Going on walks with other photographers and belonging to the Affinity zoom group have been important for developing my photographic confidence and potential for producing images that have some aesthetic value.

My set of images for the Boundless exhibition has been created from photos taken on a recent cruise to parts of Alaska and British Columbia. To document and represent the range of sights, activities and sensations experienced on this trip, I explored ideas and techniques for composing, layering, and blending photos to create montages that vary in their degree of realism and abstraction. 

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